What is the ergonomic reading position at a desk?

Separating fact from fiction when it comes to ergonomics can be tricky, especially with the plethora of information available. Desky aims for clarity to help you ensure proper posture and alignment when reading.

This applies whether you're at a desk, on your couch, or in bed. Let's consider the most ergonomic position for reading, the optimal reading angle, and the best desk sitting position.

What is the Most Ergonomic Position for Reading?

When seated at a desk, your feet should be flat on the floor. But of course, curling up on a couch or lounging with feet propped on an ottoman also makes for enjoyable reading. It's important to maintain a somewhat upright position.

As a tip, use a 90-degree-angle posture between your torso and your legs. Consider having a pillow in your lap to elevate your book slightly for better alignment.

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Which Position is Best for Reading?

Try holding your reading material a little below eye level. The aim here is to avoid forward slouching. Bent elbows aid in holding the book up, while lowering the book toward your lap may cause neck bending, resulting in strained neck and upper back muscles.

Your body working too hard can result in a multitude of issues, so eye comfort and overall enjoyment of your book will improve with this technique.

What is the Best Ergonomic Desk Sitting Position?

Tweaking your chair's height so your feet rest flat on the floor creates a comfortable base. Alternatively, using a footrest to align your thighs parallel to the floor promotes correct posture.

This correct foot positioning not only supports a healthy alignment of the spine and pelvis, but it also alleviates strain on the lower back and hips. If your chair has armrests, try positioning them for gentle arm support with your elbows close to your body. Shoulder relaxation will naturally follow from this ergonomic approach.

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What is the Best Reading Angle?

A healthy reading distance of approximately 15 inches, combined with a 60-degree reading angle generally provides an optimal balance between comfort and eye strain.

Bifocal wearers might find a slightly lower angle more suitable. It’s worth noting that your eyes need to focus upward if you like reading lying down. Consistently reading at this angle might cause eyestrain over prolonged periods.


In conclusion, your reading position can significantly influence both your enjoyment and comprehension. For ergonomic reading positions, start with keeping your body upright, ideally with a 90-degree angle between your legs and torso. Hold your reading material just below eye level while using an optimal 60-degree reading angle to minimize eye strain.

Similarly, adopting a comfortable desk sitting position and keeping your body moving can significantly improve your reading experience. It turns out, a little attention to your posture can go a long way, enhancing your reading experience while preserving your health.

So, curl up with your favorite book and enjoy - ergonomically! Remember, Desky is here to meet all your ergonomic office furniture needs. Happy reading!

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